Description | End of Winter

Description | End of Winter

A celebration of the returning light.
Embody the sense of freedom that returns as we begin to defrost and and come out of winter hibernation.
A liberating and empowering practice to re-awaken your Earth warrior.

(R)EVOLVE  | End of Winter Masterclass

(See the page with all info about the full (R)EVOLVE 2022 Project HERE)

Join us in a celebration of the returning light. As the solar light returns we are filled with renewed energy, the call of life pulls us to step out of the cave and feel the kiss of the returning sun on our skin. During this practice we honor the process of unfolding that starts as we begin to open up again. We continue the journey into grounded practice that belongs to the whole winter season but as winter closes, we open ourselves to feel the rising power by gently igniting the inner fire through fluid core cultivation.  During this practice we invite more fluid movement and dynamic breathwork to embody the sense of freedom that returns as we begin to defrost and and come out of hibernation.  Join us in a liberating and empowering practice that will re-awaken the Earth warrior in you. Give yourself the gift of this mini-retreat in your own home to align with the end-of-winter time. Integrate the benefits of the Winter recharge and prepare for opening again to the light and the pulse of life.

opening up,
root to rise

Registration for this course is open
Once you have registered, the masterclass will launch in your course space on the 01 March 2022 at 07:00 in the morning (CET) and will be available for you to replay as often as you like for 31 days from the date of your registration.

Included in this course
~ Access to Middle of Winter masterclass and course materials for 1 month from your date of registration.
~ (R)evolve End of Winter Livestream talk + Q&A with Simon
~ (R)evolve online community & forum

Opening invocation and sacred Earth pranam namaskars.
Explore somatic breath & movement practices for rebalancing, softening and cultivating a state of flow.
Grounding practice to embody the empowerment of your Earth warrior includes grounded variations of dhanurasanas, variations of wild thing, bhujapidasana, & titibasana.
Sublime closing sequence and guided savasana-meditation moving into sacred surrender and deeper Earth element embodiment  includes salamba sarvanghasana variations & deep tension release, guided breathwork.
Aum invocations, guided meditations and dynamic pranayamas integrated into the flow of practice.

Key Words
integrating, awakening, defrosting, fluid opening, balancing, rooting, empowering, reconnecting,

Muladhara chakra | Earth embodiment | Earth Warrior | Root to Rise | Soham

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